Blog Archive

How to Kick-start Working from Home

With the COVID-19 crisis escalating, some whole families are suddenly at home all day all week working and learning. Fast learning is happening, and a great deal of improvising. ... The challenge now is that between the outer and the inner processes, there needs to be a co-created social process between leaders and team members negotiating this new way of working.

Mary Poppins & Inclusive Talent Management 2018

You hopefully had some splendid end of year holidays!? Typically, I spend mine with family time, good food, play, and some classic movies. This year, I was watching Disney’s Mary Poppins with my five-year-old niece. For her it was the first time - for myself, I cannot count the views. Once again, I was amazed at the many parallels to today’s talent mantras.

Think Twice about "Daddy Leave"! - Part One*

We read and hear much about gender divides, quotas, or, more recently, also about subconscious biases. What we do not hear much about are success stories of actually improving gender balance across organizations or countries.
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